Why I’m NOT Exhibiting At NAMM

Please understand from the beginning that I have nothing against the NAMM show. It is a wonderful trade show and I would like to go one day to look around and try out great gear!
Trouble is that the exposure of my amps to the NAMM crowd could generate requests from dealers which at this time I cannot… deal with.

See, I love building amps so much that selling big numbers to stores would ruin my joy. The sheer fun of building a personalized amp to a customer would be replaced by stress, time away from my family, drive for cash, and so on. Would I make more money? Of course I would! But I am not ready to trade what I hold dear. Am I going to get rich with my business? Surely not! But that’s not the point!

So, I’d rather keep the amp building as a job I love doing, and have a ball building them one at a time, selling direct (except a few dedicated stores), and spend my time with the wife, girls and baby. Believe me, they grow so fast, next thing you know, you are walking them down the isle, to be wedded!! Don’t even want to think about it!

Here is a funny video summary about it all (another hobby I love doing lately) — enjoy!

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